Navigating the System for Award Management (SAM): Your Guide to Success

The System for Award Management (SAM) is a valuable tool for companies seeking to win federal contracts in the United States. SAM centralizes and streamlines the processes associated with procurement, making it easier for businesses to connect with federal agencies. However, navigating this system can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. In this blog post, we aim to demystify the SAM and provide you with a roadmap to success.

Step 1: Understanding the SAM

Before you start interacting with the SAM, it’s essential to understand what it is and how it works. The SAM is an official website of the U.S. government designed to consolidate several procurement systems into one unified platform. SAM is where you can register to do business with the U.S. government, find out about existing contracts, and learn about the bidding process.

Step 2: Setting Up an Account

The first step to using SAM is creating an account. This process is free and requires you to provide some information about your business.

  1. Navigate to Start by heading over to the website.
  2. Create a User Account: Click on “Create User Account” and fill in your information.
  3. Set Up a Business Profile: Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to create a business profile. This will include information about your business such as its name, address, size, and the goods or services it provides. Make sure to have your tax identification number (TIN) and your DUNS number on hand, as these will be necessary for the registration process.

Step 3: Keeping Your Information Up to Date

After you’ve created your account and business profile, it’s important to keep your information current. This ensures that you remain eligible for contract opportunities and that potential government partners can easily find and understand your business capabilities.

  1. Periodically Review Your Profile: Take some time every few months to review your profile and make sure all information is up to date.
  2. Update Immediately After Changes: If there are any significant changes to your business—such as a change in address, company size, or the services you offer—update your profile as soon as possible.
  3. Renew Your Registration Annually: SAM registration expires after one year, so be sure to renew it annually to stay active and eligible for contracts.

Step 4: Maximizing SAM Usage

Now that you’re set up and current in the system, it’s time to take full advantage of what SAM has to offer.

  1. Explore Contract Opportunities: SAM allows you to explore current contract opportunities with the U.S. government. Make use of this feature to find contracts that align with your business’s capabilities.
  2. Understand the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): The FAR is the primary regulation used by all federal agencies in their acquisition of goods and services. Understanding the FAR can give you a leg up in the bidding process.
  3. Connect with Contracting Officers: SAM also provides a directory of contracting officers. Reach out to these individuals for more specific information about potential contracts and to establish a relationship.
  4. Stay Informed: SAM provides resources for learning more about the federal contracting process. Use these resources to stay informed and enhance your understanding of the process.

Navigating the SAM may seem complex, but by following these steps and investing time to understand the system, you can maximize your chances of securing a federal contract. Remember, SAM is there as a resource to help your business succeed. It’s your ticket to unlock the potential of working with the U.S. government. Good luck!

About Michael Isenhour, PMP

Michael started his military career in 1988, he was enlisted as a 13F (Forward Observer) until 1996 and during that time period he was a bartender. After being Honorably Discharge, he started a Mortgage, Real Estate, and Insurance company for 13-years. He sold his companies in 2008 and became a police officer in Hickory, NC. While serving as a LEO, he finished his degree and Re-enlisted in the military where he entered into Officer Candidate School (OCS), commissioned in 2012. He was again served in the NC Army National Guard part-time and assisted service members and their families as an employment counselor. Michael eventually worked for over 4-years at the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, VA serving as a Contracting Officer Representative, Program Manager, Analyst and certified Project Managment Professional (PMP). He has deployed twice OCONUS and once CONUS. Mike are of concentration is a Logistics officer. Michael has three kids and currently lives in Annapolis, MD.